Makespace Powered by Hatch
Through a new partnership with Hatch, the Niagara Falls Innovation Hub opened The Makerspace powered by Hatch, Niagara’s first public prototyping lab enabling entrepreneurial ideas to come to life in Niagara Falls.
Our Makerspace is open to the community! For inquires about creating your next project with the Makerspace powered by Hatch, please contact our Tech Coordinator.

Bring your ideas to life. Work with our experts to craft, test, and build your inventions.

3D Design
Endless possibilities with 3D CAD software, complete 3D printing capability.

Virtual Reality
VR innovation enabled through a high-quality VR computer and headset.

Cricut machine, fabric heat press, laser engraver, custom signage for your business.
Over the last year we have worked with a variety of startups and small businesses. Here are just a few – please book an appointment for a full scope tour of the Makerspace and how the technology found here can help your business grow.

Bluicity Electronic Device Enclosures
- Bluicity was seeking a well-designed enclosure to protect the technology within their device.v
- An enclosure needed to be designed to seamlessly fit all micro-parts that make up the product.
- The Makerspace team created 2 prototypes of a clam shell enclosure to contain the technology within.
- Makerspace Team implemented founders design and direction.
- An enclosure design ready to be implemented into manufacturing stage.
- Several 3D CAD revisions were made from original design provided by Bluicity. This was an iterative process to reach alpha stage.
- The Makerspace team reverse engineered the enclosure design using photos of the components of the device intended to fit inside the clam shell enclosure.
- Makerspace Team manually drew with 3D CAD software a mapped-out an arrangement to the satisfaction of Bluicity’s standards.
- Once approved, a hand assembly of the prototype took place.
Clockblock Efficiency
- Seeking a solution to increase product efficiently.
- Flow of fluid needed an upgrade.
- Prototyped current product to identify where improve could be made to make the overall product more efficient.
- Implemented changes that also helped to reduce cost.
- Industrial prototyping.
- 3D CAD design.
- Applied changes to prototype material.
- Utilized Creality 3D printing equipment (conveyer belt printer).

Twist Machine Design Improvement
- The original machine design was costly, and inefficient.
- To help improve efficiency the Makerspace Team reviewed individual parts of existing machine to identifying what could be improved.
- Secondly, the material used to make the machine componets was refined to decrease overall cost to build.
- Changing the materials reduced weight, material cost and production time.
- Identified the most inefficient part.
- The Gear component was redesigned with a new material using reversing engineering.
- This project required both alpha and beta prototyping to ensure effect design.
Xpert VR Training
- Founders needed a space in Niagara Falls to showcase their product and demonstrate training capabilities.
- Has clients seeking training facility.
- Makerspace opened a VR space fully equipped with a significantly upgraded computer tower and integrated software.
- The Makerspace was also able to provide a VR system focusing on Valve index equipment.
- The Makerspace team built a custom computer to support VR and valve index headset.
- Oculus Rift and Oculus Rift S systems implanted to meet the needs of VR-software companies.

AGS Zephyr Product Suspension
- Filtration product required a clean and uncluttered design to suspense the product overhead tables.
- Makerspace took the specs to design a modular lightweight alumni tube system.
- Added wheels for storing convenience.
- Using a combination of power tools, 3D printers and traditional manual fabrication the suspension component was created.
eWarrior Naturals Packaging
- eWarrior Naturals was seeking ways to refine their product packaging.
- Designed labels that are also eco-friendly to add value to the brand.
- Prototyped labels with cricut machine.
- Used 3D printers and CNC machinery to mock up packaging.

Summus Hearing Kiosk
- In need of a product assembly space.
- Customers had requested that the product be improved to decrease the weight and footprint it takes up. The kiosks were to be used in pharmacies.
- The Makerspace team modified the current product to make it more mobile while reducing the footprint.
- Redesigned kiosks from scratch.
- Used power tools and machinery and workshop benches to assemble.
- To reach final design a traditional manual manufacturing method was used.
Sparrow Invest 3D Models
- Required tangible 3D-models of homes and developments being showcased to potential investors.
- Taking model home and mock-up development blueprints the Makerspace 3D printed the models.
- 3D CAD design was used and then sent to the machines for printing.

Ocean Falls Metaverse
- Founder needed a VR software in Niagara Falls to showcase their product and demonstrate Metaverse builds.
- Makerspace opened a VR space fully equipped with a significantly upgraded computer tower and integrated software.
- The Makerspace was also able to provide a VR system focusing on Valve index equipment.
- The Makerspace team built a custom computer to support VR and valve index headset.
- Oculus Rift and Oculus Rift S systems implanted to meet the needs of VR-software companies.
Cheekbone Beauty Apparel
- Cheekbone was launching a new product line and was seeking a quick turnaround solution to create promotional apparel
- Makerspace team took SVG logos and designs to created branded graphics
- With approval, the team created vinyl printed graphics using cricut machine
- Printed design onto apparel using a t-shirt heat press.

Golf Doctor Putter
- Seeking to develop a new kind of golf putter.
- In-need of a putter concept prototype.
- With Founder, The Golf Doctor, the Makerspace team designed a positive loft putter aimed to provide more accuracy, control, and power.
- Product intended to deliver higher velocity and linear drive.
- Implementing the prototyped design into the CNC machine.
- Makerspace industry contacts assisted to anodize the putter.
- Used other necessary power tools and work benches to assemble putter.
Evelyn Bailey VR Art
- Founder needed a virtual space to create VR art.
- Seeking an opportunity to create 3D logos for clients.
- Provided VR equipment and design space.
- Makerspace team also offered education and training on VR sets and process of 3D printers for Founder to use resources at their convivence.
- Virtual reality equipment used to design art.
- 3D printing machines brought art to life.

Local Toy Drive
- Over the Holidays it was brought to our attention by a local school that families could not afford gifts.
- The Makerspace found a create to hand-made toys for their drive.
- 3D CAD designed 3-part toys for children to build.
- Made a 2-in-1 activity toy.
- Hand-cleaned support material, manually assembled product.